Shannon Rosnau Shannon Rosnau

Ceremonies in the time of Covid-19

“Blessed are the flexible, for change is inevitable.”
― Anthon St. Maarten

As the precariousness of the pandemic continues, I have opted to limit my services to outdoor elopements and micro (under 20 person) weddings and memorials. While I am happy to facilitate Zoom funerals, memorials and life-cycle ceremonies, I am unable to perform virtual weddings as they’re not permitted in the province of BC.

Ceremonies and rituals are deeply important now more than ever. With the world awash in uncertainty, there is something truly restorative and nourishing about participating in ceremony and ritual. These practices provide us with a felt sense of grounding and connection and allow us to both celebrate our joys and mourn our losses.

Creating beautiful and meaningful ceremonies is still possible in the time of Covid-19. They simply look different from those of the “before times”!

An intimate forest or beach elopement holds the potential to be the ceremony of ones’ dreams; and, a Zoom Celebration of Life can provide loved ones the opportunity to gather and support one another through loss (while protecting everyone’s health and safety). I have witnessed and participated in lovely, small and virtual ceremonies over the past 6 months and am humbled and inspired by the possibilities.

Please feel free to contact me at if you are interested in exploring creative, Covid-19 conscious ceremony ideas together.

Stay well.

Boundless Blessings.

Shannon :)

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